Biocompatibles Medical Diagnostics

Dentist clinic

Customer Profile

A medical diagnostics provider, targeting the NHS including pharmacies, medical centres and GP practises

Now part of the BTG Group. 


With a new dermatological diagnostics device coming to market which could improve accuracy of diagnosis and the quality of referrals to clinics, Biocompatibles sought to exploit the tax year-end spend deadline to increase their new business sales .

They also wanted to evaluate alternative sales strategies including the use of online demonstrations, and to get a clearer view of buying factors and “sweet spots” in the market.


A research-led approach to engage influencers such as GPs and Practise Managers in a conversation about their goals and challenges, as well as the main barriers to sale.

This informed  a phase of telemarketing used to generate face-to-face  meetings and to recruit triallists.


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The Client's View

“Really pro-active, immediately engaged and rapidly understood essentials of product and goals…Way more than a telemarketing agency – unbelievably professional right through to the end, including persistently following through... You helped us get clarity and accelerate the learning curve.”
Tim Maloney
Commercial Director

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