APL Logistics Worldwide Supply Chain Management

APL logistics

Customer Profile

A designer and operator of smart globally integrated supply chains.


APL Logistics enjoy a strong brand worldwide, one associated with service quality, reliability and operational excellence.

They needed a trusted partner to help them to expand their market place by identifying potential buyers and arranging for them to meet with their new business development specialists. This would free up their team to convert new opportunities into sales and to attend to the smooth transition of new accounts.

APL Logistics’ driver for change was a desire to accelerate growth in the UK – particularly among the more prestige FTSE brands – and at the same time raise sales their game to lower the overall cost of sale.


Working in partnership, Fast Track Solutions drew up a specification of likely “best-fit” buyers and sourced suitable contact data.

Using a research-led approach Fast Track Solutions identified the buying team members within strategically-targeted organisations, and began a regular communication programme to introduce APL Logistics’ value proposition to them.

Along the way, they sought to uncover any concerns, needs and goals, planned reviews and interest in market benchmarking.  

In addition, the two companies worked together to review and improve the overall sales process and practices, to ensure alignment and optimisation throughout. This included running process and skills workshops, attending sales meetings and providing individually tailored coaching.


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The Client's View

“I was happy to find a specialist agency that focussed on sales outcomes right from the outset, and understood how to get the prospect relationship off to a good start. Ours is a long sales cycle market, but this investment is paying off. It’s been really helpful to work together with the Fast Track team on improving the process we share. 18 months in, around half of our new business pipeline in the UK is a result of this programme and I look forward to rolling out our relationship with Fast Track into the rest of Europe."
Jon Buckley
Regional Commercial Director EMEA

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