How to Distinguish Your Business from Competitors: Finding Your USP

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Sometimes the sea of competition can seem overwhelming, but finding your key selling point can inform your whole strategy, and position you ready for success. Not only can help you plan internal strategies, but your USP is also vital for the development of new business and lead generation; your USP is the reason a customer would pick you over a competitor. It’s about the value your specific business can provide to your customers, that is unique to you.

So, without a USP, your business could get lost in the crowd. Read on to learn more about how to find your USP and distinguish your business from competitors. 

What is your USP?

USP means ‘Unique Selling Point’ and refers to the unique qualities your business offers to differentiate itself from the competition. Basically, why should a customer choose your business over that of a competitor? What does your business do best? Answering these questions are essential.

Your USP should be rooted in your company values, and used consistently across your marketing and communications – making it easy for potential customers to separate you from the competition. Usually USP statements are crafted to be concise, to the point, and consumer-focused.

How do I find my USP?

Your USP should put customer needs at the forefront. A USP could be any factor that influences buying behaviour, such as: highest quality product, lowest price point, unique or innovative product or service, long-term after-sales service.

Focus on your customers and identify your strengths and areas of improvement. Ask yourself questions like:

  • How do my customers like to buy? 
  • How do they use my product/service?
  • How can my service help them meet their business goals?
  • How does my brand align with their daily experiences?
  • How will they interact with my brand virtually or offline?

How to make your business stand out 

Here are 6 ways you can utilise your USP and make your business stand out against competitors: 

1. Get to know your target audience

Getting to know your potential buyers, where their businesses are based and the services they need means you can not only meet but exceed their expectations and distinguish yourself from your competitors. There are certain key metrics you should understand to help make your business stand out, like:

  • Company size
  • Business turnover
  • The sector they operate in
  • Which of your services they may benefit from
  • Where they are geographically
  • Their pain points, goals, and any barriers to interest 

2. Get to know your competitors

Mapping out your competitors is a key step in finding new opportunities for your business to stand out. Finding how your competitors are positioned in the market can give you a clear path to improving your business, by serving your current customers better and gaining new customers.

3. Add more value to your brand through marketing

Using a variety of marketing strategies centred around your USP can help add value to your brand. Investing in social media marketing, creating valuable content, and developing a strong visual identity can all help to add value. It is important to offer value to your customers across all touchpoints so that you remain top of mind when they need what your business is providing.

4. Prioritise unique customer experiences

Having good service channels across the customer journey is essential. Giving customers not just what they want, but what they need will build confidence in your offering and show that you are able to deliver effective solutions.

5. Show off good reviews

Nothing adds credibility more than a review from a previous customer! Your customer reviews are totally unique to your business, and you can collect and highlight the best ones in spaces such as your website and social media.

6. Don’t shy away from innovation

Being innovative can be risky, but is a really smart way to differentiate yourself from competitors by creating something new. Sometimes successful innovation takes a bit of trial and error, so you might need to be patient!

There are several strategies you can use to make your business stand out from the competition. Remember that distinguishing yourself from competitors does not mean you need to avoid being compared to them, but you can highlight your strengths and innovations to keep your business at the top of customers’ minds. 

At Fast Track Solutions, you can rely on us to boost your sales pipeline with qualified leads, appointments and opportunities through our sales prospecting services. Over the past 24 years we have curated a highly experienced and talented team with expertise across all sectors; trust Fast Track to deliver the results you’re looking for.

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